Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Defender’s Quest Valley of the Forgotten Direct Downloading Free

Defender’s Quest is a Tower-Defense/RPG Hybrid (Think Final Fantasy Tactics meets Tower Defense).Defender’s Quest tightly focuses on three things: tactical depth, customization, and story. That means no random encounters, no spikey-haired emo kids, no forced time sinks, and no tedious, repetitive battles.
Things were going well for Azra, the sheltered Royal Librarian. There were books to sort, dust, and put away, important royal documents to transcribe. All this was swept away by the deadly plague that devastated the Kingdom of Ash. The plague killed quickly, so quickly that no one has the time to bury the dead, instead they are thrown, without ceremony, into the Pit. Azra, infected with the plague, is cast into the Pit. Soon, she finds herself in the Half-Way World, the place between life and death and learns of her true power–that of being able to bring anyone into the Half-Way World with her. Now, she must traverse the Pit in the hopes of finding the cause of the plague and must fight to not only save herself but the Kingdom as well.

  • Tower defense meets RPG! Your characters level up, use equipment, and gain in magical power or combat prowess!
  • Features hundreds of uniquely designed battles over 47 maps!
  • Whether you are a veteran or just starting out, you’ll be sure to find just the right amount of challenge for your skill level!


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