Monday, October 28, 2013

How to change the “Start” Text on Windows 8 Start screen

Windows 8 is the new and the latest version of Windows OS, it has almost anything on it’s UI front to amaze you. The metro style interface just looks very cheerful. We all have used Windows 8 to a large extent by know and now it’s time for tweaking something creative. How about changing the Start text of the Start screen.
Yes, you’re all familiar with the Start screen and the start text that appears when you press the Windows button. So, what if you don’t like the default text that appears right on the top, there must be some way out to change it or modify with a custom text. This tutorial is based on the same idea. Without wasting time just follow this steps.

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Steps to Follow

Step 1) Browse to the following location on your Windows 8 machine.
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Step 2) When you’ve reached here, navigate to the file named “twinui.dll.mui” and copy it to the desktop.
Step 3) Now, download the software named “Resource Hacker” from here.
Step 4) Run, the file named ResourceHacker.exe from the ZIP package. Now, open the file you copied to the desktop with Resource Hacker.
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Step 5) Once, opened you will be having many options on the left pane, expand “String Tables” from there.
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Step 6) Browse to the number “235″ and expand it. Click “1033″ you will see on the right side the default text i.e., “Start” for the field “3751″.
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Step 7) Change it to whatever you want, if you wish to keep it blank, you may go ahead with that too.
Step 8) Now, save the modified file to your desktop with the same name i.e., “twinui.dll.mui”.
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Step 9) Next, copy this file and paste it to the directory you picked from i.e., C:/Windows/System32/en-US/. It action will prompt an error. Select “Replace file with the destination”.
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Step 10) After, you’ve successfully copied the file, reboot the system to make the changes effective. Now, you will the custom text on the Start screen.
Remember to give comments about it. Hope you like and enjoy it.


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